Atacama, fast fashion and Garbage dump

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear Atacama? Personally, for me, a data analytics tool helps companies to manage and analyse a large data set. That is because I work in close proximity with those who would like to draw meaningful insights into their ocean of data. I would understand … Continue reading Atacama, fast fashion and Garbage dump

Disney’s Wish !

The user attended a Disney movie titled 'Wish', under protest, but found it to be a socio-political piece. Set in a mythical kingdom, Rosa, the film portrays a white king suppressing his people’s wishes. The protagonist, Asha, is a strong female character leading a diverse group. The user criticizes Disney for straying from their traditional storytelling to push sociopolitical agendas.

Gone to the dogs

Let's discuss the latest trend in our society that has reached an alarming level - feeding stray dogs. This has become an increasingly frustrating problem, and we are to blame. I know that by discussing this, I might strike the nerves of a few, some of whom probably have painted their hair purple or pink … Continue reading Gone to the dogs