Reading challenge – 2020

Okay. Its done. 2020 resolution complete and I have competed 52 books in 2020. As promised, below are my recommendations.

As usual, below are the boxes I would categorize them. Take it as you like.

  1. Level A) This book will turn you into Yoda!!
  2. Level B) Beware of Goosebumps
  3. Level C) You are gonna think about them for a while
  4. Level D) Good time-pass, read them if your only alternative is to watch paint dry.
  5. Level E) I hated these, I still went ahead and completed it. There is a hype around each of these books and hence thought of mentioning

Lets start. (all images are from

Level A) This book will turn you into Yoda!!

Level B) Beware of Goosebumps

Level C) You are gonna think about them for a while

Level D) Good time-pass, read them if your only alternative is to watch paint dry.

Level E) I hated these, I still went ahead and completed it. There is a hype around each of these books and hence thought of mentioning

11 thoughts on “Reading challenge – 2020

  1. Thank you for visiting “The Last Chapter”. I hope you will order “Flying with Broken Wings”, Charlotte was a complicated individual; she was in her mind an old man who tried to be demanding and control the other voices. The woman was mean and vicious, and the little girl was always confused. It was the woman who wanted Charlotte to kill her mother. The turmoil and fight to survive only ended with her untimely death. E.

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  2. I kind of liked the book “courage to be discouraged”
    Easy read. Disappointed to see it in level D.

    I sense a bit of bias in one of those books which are categorised in level B 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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